Having to face this pandemic, we are being extremely cautious, and we are taking all the necessary measures when it comes to all of the buildings’ maintenance. Furthermore, we are following the emergency measures implemented by Governments. To better protect yourself and your loved ones, be sure to report any cases of infection in your building. To do so, go directly to https://laucandriquold.wpengine.com/en/contact-us/ or email us directly at info@laucandrique.ca We strongly suggest you consult the Canada and Québec recommendations for more information as well as the Self-care Guide using the following link : https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/sante/documents/Problemes_de_sante/19-210-30A_Guide-auto-soins_anglais.pdf Moreover, condolegal.com has decided to publish a weekly newsletter on the subject. We will update the site with the English newsletter once available. http://www.condolegal.com/images/Publications/Bulletin-special-coronavirus.pdf

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